B-logbook/Corona Days: 01.05.2020: Chili Con Carne, Guacamole, Broken Greek

Corona Days, week seven. Labour Day. I spent some time working in the kitchen this forenoon. But can it be called work when you are enjoying that work so much? Well, I was cooking my chili con carne, that is quite famous, at least in our family. I was taking all the time it takes to cook a good chili con carne. No hurry, no stress. Just enjoying cooking.

And also enjoying the fantastic kitchen soundtrack. I was listening to the marvelous Spotify playlist Broken Greek: Every Song compiled by this guy Pete Paphides, the renowned English music journalist, radio presenter, book author and record label owner. The playlist in question compiles the songs regarding the story of Paphides’ musical memoir named Broken Greek which was released recently to rave reviews.

Honestly, the tasty guacamole was as always made by my grown-up, lovely, talented daughter, who stays still with us when she’s not in her university town, her elder, likewise great sister has already moved out. And to be frank, I haven’t read Pete Paphides‘ apparently wondrous book yet, I haven’t even bought it yet. Will do soon.

But I upgraded my Spotify account extra to premium for listening to Pete Paphides’ playlist without interference, in the correct track order instead of the bothersome random Spotify shuffle and without being annoyed by naff advertising. Just the songs. Surprisingly, I spotted many songs being important in Pete’s upbringing and adult life, that were equally important to me. It is the music that counts. Notwithstanding this crazy thing called Brexit nor the vicious Corona virus. It is the music that keeps us together.

© Chili Con Carne & Avocado Pics shot by Klaus Winninger

B-logbook/Corona Days: 01.05.2020: Tulips In The Sunny Afternoon Light

Corona Days, week seven. Yesterday’s tulips from in the dark of the night are now enjoying Labour Day’s sunny afternoon light. Simply wonderful.

© Tulips In The Sunny Afternoon Light Pics shot by Klaus Winninger

B-logbook/Corona Days: 01.05.2020: Labour Day

Corona Days, week seven. It ain’t over till it’s over. Looking down from the balcony there are nearly no people in the street or in the park. Living in a ghost town. Just like The Rolling Stones sing on their vivid and relevant new single.

Today is Labour Day. But due to the Corona Disaster more than 600.000 people living in Austria are without a job now. And hundreds of thousands of people are on short-time work. Labour Day?

The general lockdown in Austria officially ended on midnight. We are now allowed again to leave our flats and houses. One can go out again, sticking of course to severe rules and regulations. Free again? In the moment it doesn‘t feel like that. And Corona Crisis still is lingering on. Maybe listening to The Beatles can give some hope. „It‘s getting better“, they sing on their super fab Sgt. Pepper‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band album, released in 1967, in the middle of the Summer of Love, „it’s getting better all the time.“ A bit naïve? Maybe. But where’s hope, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

© Raindrops On Daffodils Pic shot by Klaus Winninger

B-logbook/Corona Days: 30.04.2020: Tulips In The Dark

Corona Days, week seven. “Now it’s time to say good night. Good night, sleep tight …”

© Tulips In The Dark Pic shot by Klaus Winninger

B-logbook/Corona Days: 29.04.2020: Chopped Trees Near The River

Corona Days, week seven. So many things have changed now. Still a lot of things stay the same. A good thing. Cycling around is as great, liberating, mind-blowing as it was last year. I started last week, cycling along the embankment of the river Salzach on the fringes of the floodplain forest towards the city of Hallein. As last year a lot of chopped are resting along the way. All is fine.

(c) Chopped Trees Pic shot by me.

B-logbook/Corona Days: 28.04.2020: One Mighty Tree Less This Year In The Alley

Corona Days, week seven. So many things have changed now. Still a lot of things stay the same. A good thing. Cycling around is as great, liberating, mind-blowing as it was last year. Started already last week, but today’s my first ride through the beautiful Hellbrunner Allee. But obviously there’s one mighty tree less in the alley this year.

(c) Fallen Mighty Tree Pics shot by me.

B-logbook/Corona Days: 28.04.2020: Cycling Around, Easy Rider

Corona Days, week seven. So many things have changed now. Still a lot of things stay the same. Good thing. Cycling around is as great, liberating, mind-blowing as it was last year. Started cycling already last week, but today’s my first ride this year through the beautiful Hellbrunner Allee in my hometown Salzburg. Pure bliss.

(c) Alley Pics shot by me.

B-logbook/Corona Days: 27.04.2020: Green Plants In The House

Corona Days, week 7. It‘s so green, it‘s so green. It’ beautiful. Today I rearranged the plants in our small winter garden inside our living room in front of the big flower window. It’s springtime. Even the mad Corona virus can‘t stop that.

(c) Green Plants Pic shot by me.

B-logbook/Corona Days: 22.04.2020: Manuel Rubeys Solo-Kabarett „Goldfisch“ auf 23. November 2020 verschoben

Corona Tage, Woche 6, Wochenmitte erst. Gut, dass wenigstens ein paar neue Platten ins Haus gekommen sind, weil der Hausarrest vielleicht ja noch länger dauert. Und die Regierung den Shutdown grad für Kulturveranstaltungen, Konzerte, Kabarett, Sport, durch fragwürdige Notfallgesetze auf immer ausdehnen möchte, so scheint’s. Bis halt mal ein Impfstoff gegen das Corona Virus entwickelt worden ist bleibt also alles zugesperrt, eingesperrt, bis irgendwann. Und raus aus dem Haus und rein in ein Konzert, Kabarett, Theater, Kino oder sonst was darf vielleicht auch nur, wer sich mit einem Überwachungsknopf der Regierung mit Überwachungs-App chippen lässt. Und es soll da Regierungspläne, bestimmte Risikogruppen überhaupt Dauerhausarrest. Orwells 1984 ein Lercherlschas dagegen.

Manuel Rubeys Salzburg-Premiere seines ersten Solo-Kabaretts Goldfisch in der ARGEKultur hätte am 31. März 2020 stattfinden sollen. Wegen des totalen Corona Shutdowns wurde die Veranstaltung erst mal auf den 3. Juli verschoben. Heute aber folgende Email der ARGEKultur eingelangt: „Entsprechend den Maßnahmen der Österreichischen Bundesregierung und zum Schutz vor der Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus wird unser Veranstaltungsbetrieb leider noch länger nicht wie gewohnt abgehalten werden können. Darum müssen wir auch die geplante Vorstellung von Manuel Rubey – ursprünglich geplant am 31. März 2020, verschoben auf den 3. Juli 2020 – nunmehr auf Montag, 23. November 2020 verschieben. Die gekauften Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit für den Ersatztermin.“

Wann immer der Ersatztermin dann wirklich sein wird. Höhere Gewalt, kann man nichts machen. Regierungsallmacht, bedenklich. Vielleicht wird ja auch Goldfisch bis es wirklich soweit ist, von Manuel Rubey noch umgemodelt werden. Vielleicht gibt’s dann ja im Programm eine neue Version von The Knack’s New Wave Hit My Sharona, so My Corona halt. Ob Manuel Rubey das machen würde? Nur ein Scherz.

Die 5/8erl in Ehr’n hätten am 14. Mai in der ARGEkultur gespielt, ihr feines neues Album Yeah Yeah Yeah mit dabei. Das Konzert aber erstmal auf 30. September 2020 verschoben. Ob der neue Termin hält?

B-logbook/Corona Days: 21.04.2020: The Masked Blogger

Corona Days, week 6. The Masked Blogger Day. My mask is a special family manufactory creation. Hand-sewn. What else?

(c) The Masked Blogger Pic shot by Selfie-Me