B-logbook: 18.07.2020: One More Cup Of Coffee

Auf der Suche nach einem Kaffeehaus in Salzburg, das ein zweites Wohnzimmer werden könnte, besuchte ich zum ersten Mal das Coffee House abseits der Linzergasse im Bruderhof, einem geräumigen, pittoresken Innenhof zu Füßen der St. Sebastian Kirche, deren Glocken ohrenbetäubend bimmeln können. Das Coffee House scheint ein netter, gemütlicher Platz zu sein, mit einer kleinen, sommerlichen Holzterrasse, auf der sich gut verweilen lässt. Wenn nicht so wie heute Gewitterwolken heranziehen und es zu regnen beginnt. Aber schnell noch eine Tasse Kaffee, bevor ich gehe. Der Espresso ist gut.

(c) Coffee House Pic shot by Klaus Winninger

B-logbook/Corona Days: 01.05.2020: Labour Day

Corona Days, week seven. It ain’t over till it’s over. Looking down from the balcony there are nearly no people in the street or in the park. Living in a ghost town. Just like The Rolling Stones sing on their vivid and relevant new single.

Today is Labour Day. But due to the Corona Disaster more than 600.000 people living in Austria are without a job now. And hundreds of thousands of people are on short-time work. Labour Day?

The general lockdown in Austria officially ended on midnight. We are now allowed again to leave our flats and houses. One can go out again, sticking of course to severe rules and regulations. Free again? In the moment it doesn‘t feel like that. And Corona Crisis still is lingering on. Maybe listening to The Beatles can give some hope. „It‘s getting better“, they sing on their super fab Sgt. Pepper‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band album, released in 1967, in the middle of the Summer of Love, „it’s getting better all the time.“ A bit naïve? Maybe. But where’s hope, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

© Raindrops On Daffodils Pic shot by Klaus Winninger

B-logbook/Corona Days: 28.04.2020: One Mighty Tree Less This Year In The Alley

Corona Days, week seven. So many things have changed now. Still a lot of things stay the same. A good thing. Cycling around is as great, liberating, mind-blowing as it was last year. Started already last week, but today’s my first ride through the beautiful Hellbrunner Allee. But obviously there’s one mighty tree less in the alley this year.

(c) Fallen Mighty Tree Pics shot by me.

B-logbook/Corona Days: 28.04.2020: Cycling Around, Easy Rider

Corona Days, week seven. So many things have changed now. Still a lot of things stay the same. Good thing. Cycling around is as great, liberating, mind-blowing as it was last year. Started cycling already last week, but today’s my first ride this year through the beautiful Hellbrunner Allee in my hometown Salzburg. Pure bliss.

(c) Alley Pics shot by me.

B-logbook/Corona Days: 27.04.2020: Green Plants In The House

Corona Days, week 7. It‘s so green, it‘s so green. It’ beautiful. Today I rearranged the plants in our small winter garden inside our living room in front of the big flower window. It’s springtime. Even the mad Corona virus can‘t stop that.

(c) Green Plants Pic shot by me.

B-logbook/Corona Days: 04.04.2020: Blue Skies

Week three of indoor isolation. Lying on the balcony. Spring’s definitely here. Temperatures over 20 degrees Celsius . The sun’s getting stronger. The skies are bluer than blue.

(c) Pic shot by me.

B-logbook/Corona Days: 03.04.2020: Flower Power

B-logbook/Corona Days: 03.04.2020: Flower Power

Week three of indoor isolation. Corona Days. But spring’s definitely coming now. Temperatures rising. The sun’s getting stronger. The sky‘s bluer than blue. Just take a look at the lovely flowers surrounding our window sills. I hope the evil coronator doesn’t like beautiful weather like this.

(c) Flower Pics shot by me.

B-logbook: 25.02.2020: Graffiti in the Park

New Graffiti in the park nearby. Some weeks ago they painted this small building white. Hiding all the graffiti from the last years underneath. I don‘t know who was disturbed. It wasn‘t me. But the graffiti sprayers and their graffiti art keeps coming back. That’s not a bad thing.

B-logbook: 23.02.2020: Great Street Art in Salzburg

A pleasant afternoon walk in the city of Salzburg. 15 degree Celsius. Walking by the still bare-branched sycamore trees on the embankment of the Salzach, who are still waiting for springtime. Just like we do.

Stopping at an advertising pillar. An aspiring young artist, surely a talented painter, had covered the promotion poster for the highbrow Salzburg Easter Festival with brown paper. He’s painting an exciting expressionist picture of the scenery here. A very dynamic, kind of pop art flash of the river, the bridges, the silhouette of Salzburg’s ancient center. I asked the young street artist if I may take a photo of him painting. He said yes, seemingly a kind of Eastern European accent. We talked shortly about his brilliant art. Then he’s was asking me if I would return the favour, filming him with his mobile phone doing his art. Of course I did.

(c) Pics shot by me.